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Embrace the authenticity

Embrace the authenticity

It’s takes courage to be nothing but true to yourself and as sad as that is, it’s the truth. I have always been one to follow and sink into others opinions and actions just because it was easy and it became comfortable and gave me a sense of acceptance. I built up a very bad habit of leading myself astray from who I was as a person and living such an opposite life in order to gain validation from others. I would strive for self-worth in areas I was bound to never find it. I had become so lost in other people that I became unrecognisable to the people who knew me the most and I saw no way of escaping the hole I had created for myself.

What scared me the most whilst being stuck in the midst of it all was that when you do make a bold move to generate and voice your own opinion, you open yourself up to a whole load of vulnerability. I just hated the idea of being shot down or feeling embarrassed if I disagreed with anyone and then to be told I was ‘boring’ was an extra. The thing is people are genuinely happy sailing through life not making any waves and not being their true self but I knew deep down that this wasn’t me and I was not to continue otherwise I would carry on sailing through life being miserable trying to please others. I just needed to let go of the idea of who I thought I needed to be in order to be my authentic self.

Caring about what others think of you, whether that being what they think of your opinion, clothes, house etc, will only ever lead you towards a downhill spiral of self-hatred and no one ever deserves to ever feel  that way. No one deserves to be made to feel as though they aren’t good enough or that they aren’t ‘normal’ because they venture outside of what everyone deems as ‘normal’. Some people just find it very hard to accept that there may be even a possibility of contentment and happiness to be found outside of their circle.

I am still trying to figure the different parts of me every day but I am no longer available to try and alter or shape them in order to feel accepted by anyone. It’s taken a while but now I know that It is always important to do what is best for me at the end of the day. Whether people approve of this or not, it will always be your life that you are living and you have the knowledge in order to know what is good for you and what isn’t. As time goes on we meet new people along the way and end up finding out who brings out the best in you and who brings out the worst. It can be an uncomfortable journey at times but you will end up finding who really sticks by you even when you are a bit strange.

Self-worth is called SELF-worth for a reason. Your self-worth does not come from the opinions of others; it doesn’t come from what house you live, it doesn’t come from what car you drive it comes from being nothing but the best version of you. Be exactly who you want to be, who is completely their self so that others around them feel safe enough to be their complete self too.


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