Can I be
Just to start I would like to say how I am beyond guilty of
this topic and have been since I remember and to my knowledge a lot of us are
I have spent a countless amount of time scrolling on a
screen, browsing through different social media accounts in which each one would
add to the pot of self-hatred. It really does upset me that so many of us have
learnt the type of behaviour that is ‘comparison’ which is ridiculously unhealthy
for our self-esteem and confidence. I remember once being on a night out and
actually muttering under my breath ‘fuck sake’ as I felt like the ugly duckling
that sunk away into the background amongst all of my stunning friends. The
whole night was filled with anxiety and ending up resulting in me drowning my
We spend our precious time on this earth beating ourselves
up day in and day out due to the fact that we don’t look a certain way that is
deemed as “good enough”.
I don’t think it’s very fair to put a constant blame on
social media for being such a bad influence and encouraging comparison. I do
think it can have a negative impact if you aren’t using it in a clever way. If
you head over to Instagram already with the feeling of insecurity with a feed
full of models, it’s almost guaranteed that you’ve set yourself up for a bowl
of self –judgement.
It isn’t just looks we compare, its people’s lives, houses,
cars etc. We’re all guilty of wanting what we don’t have whilst lacking
appreciation of what we do have. Comparison will forever snatch the happiness underneath
your feet knocking you straight to the ground. There it stands laughing and
pointing its finger in your face.
So recently I have filled my feed with positive quotes and
pages that are aesthetically pleasing like a lot of good tasty food, things
that I find positive and take great joy out of looking at. Nowadays, I wouldn’t
dare speak to myself the way I used to and I really try hard not to compare as
I know it will only lead me in the direction of some seriously vicious anxiety
and will kill any sort of appreciation I have for myself. The thing is, you are
always able to admire the way someone else looks without having to question the
way you look and that’s something I really have learnt recently. Let’s face it,
we can say ‘Oh I wish I looked like this person’ all we want but we just aren’t
ever going to be anyone other than ourselves and that’s the cold hard truth. I
actually sat and laughed the other day at that realisation because it really
hit hard that I wouldn’t look like anyone other than me and that’s something that
a lot of people should accept in order to set yourself on the right track of
It’s time to focus on yourself and stay in your own lane, remembering
that you have so much to offer as your own unique self. The only person you
should try and be better than, is the person you were yesterday and not finding
yourself in competition with anyone else. Something to remember especially
these days is that you don’t have to be doing what everyone else is doing, especially
if it isn’t something that’s going to make you happy. We can’t continue to
compare our behind the scenes moments to everyone else’s highlights.
Comparison is the thief of joy and always will be.
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