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Over the past few weeks I do believe everyone has had their fair share of overwhelming uncertainty and discomfort of the unknown. Many anxieties are through the roof and stomachs have turned. Entering your local shop and seeing nothing but distress and constant panic upon people’s faces. The view of our lovely grandparents through a glass window and wanting to wrap them up in cotton wool for safety. Daily phone-calls and facetimes to our loved ones. The frustration of not being able to perform the smallest of gestures like a hug or handshake. 

At the moment, it feels as though were all sort of plodding on, the days can feel a week long or they fly by within seconds. Most of them don’t even feel real. Very grey. But we can’t expect them to feel like our every day because this isn’t our normal every day. It’s a very strange time for all and we cannot change what is going on right now it’s completely out of our control; the only parts we can control are our part we play which is to stay inside and our attitude towards the worldwide pandemic. 

The situation as a whole is not nice for anyone; I’ve watched my youngest sister in floods due to the closing of her school unable to finish her final year of primary school and I understand this will be the same for many other families. Someone very close to homes mental health relies on the gym and how it makes them feel mentally which they now have no access to. Near enough every parent in the world is having to take on the role of a teacher and are now home schooling their child. Everyone. Is. Struggling.

I find that it’s very easy to get consumed in the negative media and watching the case numbers increase as the hours go by but there is a lot the media aren’t showing us, the positive events that are happening in the world right now, the events we need to see. 

There are some incredibly wonderful people out their joining together to provide their elderly neighbours with essentials that are needed over this period of self-isolation. School children singing to the elderly in their care homes and lots more. Something that I have read recently enabling me to try and change my outlook on the ‘C’ word is that each day is a step closer to where we need to be. There are people working around the clock trying to find a vaccination that will cure this virus, individuals stepping up to be the human guinea pig and not forgetting the NHS workers / support workers who are putting their lives at risk for us on the daily followed by their blood sweat and tears.

For the time being we all have the capacity in order to be safe than sorry and do what is asked of us over these next few weeks. Use this time wisely to the best of your ability to conquer those procrastinated jobs like cleaning out that room, sorting out that paperwork that has needed organising since 2014 or reading that book you’ve been meaning to read but never had the time. I think it’s very important to keep a routine flowing for you although there are restrictions in place that may make you feel like it’s an impossible thing to do. A routine that is going to give you clarity and is similar to your normal working day. This is so you do not feel out of reach with normality and begin to feel out of control in any way. 

Making sure that you are getting up and getting ready for the day head, may that even be sat at your dining room table with a work laptop will keep the normality allowing your anxiety at keep at bay.

During this period of social distancing, series will be binged, home workouts will be completed, stress will be felt at high heights, hands will be continue to be washed and soon this will all be history. This is not our forever, this is a temporary situation and yes it’s a crappy one but it is something we can all learn a great deal from and from this point on we shall never take the smallest things for granted again because this is an eye opener to all.

The sooner people implement the rules given by the government into their lives the sooner this will all be over. The sooner we will be back with grandma and grandad. The sooner face time will turn into face time without the phone. The sooner we can go back to our lives and conversate with a friend without being 5 metres apart. And may the conversation be filled with laughter and words spoken about how we cannot wait for the summer ahead and not one word will be spoken regarding the Coronavirus.


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