Embrace the authenticity It’s takes courage to be nothing but true to yourself and as sad as that is, it’s the truth. I have always been one to follow and sink into others opinions and actions just because it was easy and it became comfortable and gave me a sense of acceptance. I built up a very bad habit of leading myself astray from who I was as a person and living such an opposite life in order to gain validation from others. I would strive for self-worth in areas I was bound to never find it. I had become so lost in other people that I became unrecognisable to the people who knew me the most and I saw no way of escaping the hole I had created for myself. What scared me the most whilst being stuck in the midst of it all was that when you do make a bold move to generate and voice your own opinion, you open yourself up to a whole load of vulnerability. I just hated the idea of being shot down or feeling embarrassed if I disagreed with anyone and then to be told I was...